Learning in the moment of need
Based on organisational focus areas and individual development needs prioritise competencies to be acquired over a period of time.
Re-skilling and Upskilling (as jobs change as a result of technology)
Competence guides are adapted as the job requirements change as a result of technology.
Learning as part of working (in manageable chunks)
A methodology that facilitates ongoing coaching and assessment of skills and knowledge as part of the normal work day.
Creating and continuously expanding the internal knowledge base
Employees can access solutions (SOP’s, online learning solutions) online from the competence guide for their job.
Greater focus on development and measurement of behavioural competencies acquisition
Indicators of Behavioural competence acquisition is developed for each competence and assessed as part of the workplace learning methodology.
Measuring and tracking learning against learning pathways
Indicators of Behavioural competence acquisition is developed for each competence and assessed as part of the workplace learning methodology.
Personalised learning
Competence guides provide a structure to manage own competence acquisition, therefore enhancing self-directed learning orientation and individualised progress.
Olmstead,Levi. “8 Learning and development (L&D) trends to watch in 2022”. Whatfix, 11 Otober 2021, https://whatfix.com/blog/learning-development-trends/